Name :Night Stalker
Chasiss:R360 Series
Description:Made for the more wilder bot builder this Skin is painted on titanium metal. It features a clear black sky, along with a blue strip with its name night stalker in a lime green with The traditional green Light. This Skin has sort of a rave party look. This skin is sure to put a look of jealousy and wonder on your opponents face unless like you they caught the night craze. If There a lot of interest in the skin it will be available for different chassis and The creator might released some more of his designs.
Name:Night Stalker
Chassis:Ultra Light LE
Desrcription:Made for the more wilder bot builder this Skin is painted on titanium metal. It features a clear black sky, along with a blue strip with its name night stalker in a lime green with The traditional green Light. This Skin has sort of a rave party look. This skin is sure to put a look of jealousy and wonder on your opponents face unless like you they caught the night craze.Plastic was added over the bars to prevent damage to them.If There a lot of interest in the skin it will be available for different chassis and The creator might released some more of his designs.
Name:Night Stalker
Chassis:T600 Sport
Description:Made for the more wilder bot builder this Skin is painted on titanium metal. It features a clear black sky, along with a blue strip with its name night stalker in a lime green with The traditional green Light. This Skin has sort of a rave party look. This skin is sure to put a look of jealousy and wonder on your opponents face unless like you they caught the night craze. If There a lot of interest in the skin it will be available for different chassis and The creator might released some more of his designs.
Loctaion:New York
Description:The Glitch - New York. Modified from the traditional square arena, you’ll find two separated battle zones in this arena with a narrow passageway connecting them.This arena sits 100,000 buit on July 31st 2001 .The walls Turn from black to white when you press the tab button and change views.You can aslo see under the arena and the arenas wepons with its glass floor.Beware things aren't as they seem you and yor oppent can attack each other threw the wall but not drive threw it and if your lucky you may get a few seconds between the arena's glass floor and the floor to recharge.The arena also looks larger than it is make sure you don't try to drive threw its glass wall becase it wont work.This arena is owned by The Death Dragons and is there home turf.This arena was made by [email protected]
Description:Death Trap -Japan. Known for its death matches Japan has made the ultimate Death Trap for robots.This arena sits 80,000 people , all wanting to see a bot not only lose but be destroyed. Flag matches are rarely played here and death matches ending in a judge deciding are ually booed. You better Fight hard cuase this is for your robots life lose and it will never battle again. As the arena's quote goes Fight to live if you can